Mini Opera Show @ The Venetian

I got tired looking for the exit to the Strip. I saw some benches but they were mostly occupied. Yun pala they were watching a mini opera show. naki siksik ako, to rest my legs and feet from walking and to watch the show.

Mini Opera,  The Venetian Hotel,  Las Vegas

I know his song, kapanahunan ng mga kuya ko.

Volare, oh, oh! Cantare, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Let’s fly way up to the clouds, away from the maddening crowds
We can sing in the glow of a star that I know of
Where lovers enjoy peace of mind

This too, by Andy Williams

Speak softly, love and hold me warm against your heart
I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start
We’re in a world, our very own
Sharing a love that only few have ever known
Wine-colored days warmed by the sun
Deep velvet nights when we are one
Speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours and all because
You came into my world with love so softly love
Wine-colored days warmed by the sun


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