Missing Malaysian Airlines

I am among the millions of people around the world waiting for bits and pieces of information about the missing Malaysian Airlines plane that vanished without a trace.

Our family was in Batanes when we heard of the bad news. And everyday after that, we’re always waiting for good news. Even if we don’t know anyone in that flight, we still wished that every passenger would be found, hopefully alive so that they could go home in the arms of their loved ones.

Front page newspaper- jetliner

Different theories as to how and why it disappeared floated.  What happened?   More than 200 lives were lost.  We need answers.  Why?
news, plane hijacked

I have prayed a few times if I could find the plane, through my dreams. We’ve heard of stories wherein missing people and objects were found through a dream. Unfortunately, I never dreamed of them, maybe because I don’t have a sixth sense or strong astral travel capabilities.

My heart bleeds for the hundreds of families who’s lives were put on hold, while agonizing over the whereabouts of their family member/s.    If only,  I have the powers to change things,  I will move back the clock so that nothing of that sort happened.

Chinese to Malaysian Airlines, front page

It seems that the most recent satellite photos of hundreds of floating debris lead us  to the conclusion that the plane went down in the very deep Indian ocean.  What the hell was it doing in that very remote part of the earth?

It probably ran out of fuel.

I hope the modern equipments being used to find pieces of evidence including the black box could provide the grieving families some answers.

I pray for the souls of those innocent people.  Kawawa talaga sila.  I also pray for their families.  May they find the inner strength to accept their great loss.    Many would carry this painful episode in their minds and heart for the rest of their lives.  Many would have difficulty living or moving on.  Cries of agony would break into the night and tears of desolation would flood their hearts.  They need our prayers.

May this never happen again.

Front page of newspaper


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