I was inspired by the BBC interview of Robert Benmosche, former president and chief executive officer of American International Group (AIG) who retired in November of 2014 to speed up his replacement due to his health concerns.
His successor was picked to prevent uncertainties in the organization.

robert benmosche

The interview was shot at the terrace of his estate overlooking a picturesque bluer than blue waters. it looks like it’s somewhere in the Caribbean. When he and his wife looked at the house for sale, he fell in love with the magnificent view. They bought it for a million dollars and has spent several more millions renovating it. It was intended to be his retirement home.

Benmosche has been battling cancer since 2010 and it has been reported that his cancer has worsened. He doesn’t want to divulge however what kind of cancer it is.
He said we should leave a legacy to our children.
He was ten years old when his father passed away without a WILL leaving behind a US$250,000 debt.

He said he doesn’t want to do that to his children. Ako rin, I don’t want to leave my utang to my children and to Edmund. Magagalit yun baka hindi ako ipalibing. Ideally, all our debts must be zero before we say sayonara mundong ibabaw.


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