My goal was to find two or three nice dresses for office wear. Shopping for dresses in Hk was a little challenging because their sizes were smaller. Their large seemed like a medium. HK people are slimmer.

dresses, Carven, Harbour City, HK

shopping for dresses, HK

white blouses

Omb—–“Do you have a bigger size?”
Boutique staff—– “One size. You try”.
Omb—–“It would be tight here around my waist”.
Boutique staff—–“Are you have baby? If you finish pregnant, it look good young your face”.

red dress, HK shopping for dresses

It maybe a good idea to have a tape measure permanently sewn on my dress.
tape measure on a dress

The tape measure would remind me how fat I’ve become, thus preventing me from eating, while I am wearing this creatively-designed dress.
tape measure dress

This boutique has some nice displays but when I went inside, there were four or five women who were trying on party dresses and they were oblivious to their surroundings. Parang mabibingi ako sa saya nila.
I just left.
HK boutique

I discovered a dress shop named Macrame near Granville Road specializing in imported dresses, Made in India. I bought this rust / maroon colored cotton dress HK$500
Maroon Indian cotton dress, HK

They also sell gift items and home accessories, I supposed made in India too.
made in India gifts and accessories

Stores no longer give free shopping bags. That’s a government decree. Even at Bally, I paid fifty cents for the paper bag.
HK shopping for dresses

I bought this black and white short dress. Tag = HK$980, no discount daw kasi new arrival. When I got to the hotel, I showed it to my son.
Omb—–“Anak, look at my dress”.
He said “flowery”. “Curtain-y”.
Muntik ng naging “upholstery”. Hay never mind, something fun, not a boring dress.
black and white dress, HK


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