Solemn Behind the Lights

I couldn’t help but shed a tear after reading my daughter’s Facebook post.

Author: Julienne

Solemn lights, yen

Let’s call this photo “”Solemn behind the lights.”
I’m taking a moment of silence for 2016.
…This post will be senti and long. Sorry.

It was a somber year. Actually, it was a shitty year. I would talk about it but I don’t know where to begin. Though, I know how I want it to end – With gratitude.

Thank you 2016 for teaching me one of the best lessons that negative experiences can give you — perspective. Our family was challenged in ways we could never have imagined and through that, I came to appreciate and focus on what and who’s truly important. Thank you Lord because despite the hard times there were still lots of good times and man, I appreciated them so much more. The silver lining, no matter how faint, is there. I realize that now.

This year taught me not to sweat the small things. I take pleasure in the simpler things though admittedly I’m still learning to let go of the trivial and superficial. As a resolution, I will strive not to take things for granted. While the dark days are far from over, I am thankful because I have been blessed with amazing people by my side. Thank You Lord for my family and friends. Thank you for always protecting and guiding us as we stumbled through 2016. Your presence continues to make us strong. Please be there for us in the New Year.

Okay okay I’ve gone on too long. Time to end this post and this year. Farewell 2016 and Hello, 2017. We are happy you are here. Be kind to us.


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