Last night I couldn’t sleep. It was already 2 am and I was feeling nervous and anxious. When I switched off the light in the bedroom, so many things entered my mind.

Earlier that night, I read an article about parents teaching their kids. We parents are supposed to be their first teachers. Supposed to be. Either we teach them good, bad, or we teach by example. I admire a lot of women whom I think did or are doing a fantastic job teaching their kids. I am just in awe at how they managed to do that.

I was good in teaching my kids the ABC, some nursery rhymes, simple math and art. But that’s just about it. I lacked in so many skills or the ability to focus on them and teach them deeper things that could have guided them in life.
I lost my focus or I just didn’t know how to communicate with them properly in many ways. I was generous with my hugs and kisses, chasing them around the house threatening to kiliti them. But I don’t remember sitting down at the dinner table and seriously teaching them about life when they were young. I feel I should’ve done that.

I could have been a better mom, a much better one. I tried but maybe I didn’t try hard enough. My children were innately intelligent and I could have nurtured them better. The good thing about this is I know my children would be better parents, if ever they marry or have kids. I have to say that because this is now a new generation. Many choose not to either marry or marry but not have kids. My son wants to have one or two kids and I know he would be a great dad. Lalo na ang anak kong babae, in so many ways she’s better than her mother so I am 100% sure she would be a much better mom too.

little Oyen


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2 thoughts on “Teaching Your Kids

  1. You have raised them well, Ms Annie.. stop being so hard on urself.. You raised them in a way that only YOU know how.. You took care of Oyen and Nyke in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE..

    You have raised them in ur most perfect way as a Loving Mom..

    Always remember this : There are no PERFECT PARENTS simply becoz NOBODY IS PERFECT.. but YOU will always have that PERFECT LOVE for ur children..

    God bless u and ur family always, Ms Annie..

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