Eve says: April 6, 2013 at 2:34 am

Hi Ms. Annie,

You are so funny. I like your sense of humor. We have the same ideas when we get to see ipis or ants crawling. I never passed a day without reading your blogs.I came across your blog when I google something about Gloria Maris and there I got to see your post. I was amazed that you are the distributor/owner of Ford Makati and Greenhils bec we were searching then as to which branch can release the Ford Ranger asap last Dec. I am humble with your postings. You are a real person,smart, no presumption, kind, loving and down to earth person. I admire you a lot knowing you are beautiful pa. 125 lbs is not overweight. I find you sexy at your age still. Bec you have slim arms and legs even if you kept on complaining about your tummy. If I have the weight as yours, I would feel sexy and lovely. Keep posting and thru your blog, I get to know some nice places, foods that I haven’t been too. More so, giving importance to having quality time with the family. You are a now part of my existence in this world coz thru you I gain confidence on how to deal with every day’s stress in life as well. Ev e


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