Watching the waves battering the shore can be compared to life’s constant struggle and pounding to go further and further until we reach our dreams. When we did, what do we do next?

We walked back to the house and washed off the almost black (Edmund said bluish gray) fine sand.

We were sweaty when we got back to the house so we relaxed in the airconditioned room for 15 minutes before we left. Iloilo is 3 hours away and we wanted to be back before dark.

We saw a very old family photo album on the table in one of the bedrooms.


I was really glad that we were able to visit this place even for a few hours. Edmund spent the first 7 years of his life here and he only had good memories— playing in the sand, his maternal grandfather teaching him how to make kulungan ng manok, catching crablets, his brother Edward falling off a tree, suntukan with a classmate, etc.

Truly….. those were the days.


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