Top Twenty Benefits of Turmeric

About two weeks ago, my neighbor Annette gave me a pack of powdered luyang dilaw or turmeric (yellow ginger). I instructed the maids to sprinkle a teaspoon every time they steam the rice.
We’ve been eating yellowish rice for two weeks now, hoping to benefit from the nutritional and medicinal values of this herbal plant.

The first few days I thought I must have eaten something panis. But today I concluded that my regular V movement must be the result of the daily dosage of turmeric, at breakfast, at dinner.

steamed rice with turmeric

Crispy fried fresh tawilis with yellow steamed rice for breakfast
steamed rice and fried tawilis

Aside from 1. clearing my digestive tract, there are other great benefits of eating turmeric,

2. lowers bad cholesterol
3. lowers blood sugar
4. natural antibiotic
5. cleanses the blood
6. anti-inflammatory
7. helps treat Alzheimer’s disease
8. protects patients from bad effects of radiation therapy
9. helps promote production of blood cells
10. protects liver from toxic substances
11. reduces arthritis
12. improves blood circulation
13. anti cancer most especially prostate cancer
14. anti blot clot or anti coagulants
15. helps in the treatment of psoriasis
16. helps prevent depression
17. natural painkiller
18. useful in disinfecting cuts and wounds
19. anti-oxidant
20. helps prevent motion sickness

What a list. With all these health benefits turmeric must be a miracle drug. We should always have it in our kitchen.

The only dish my mom cooked with luyang dilaw was the dish she called palos or pinalos na kanduli. It’s steamed fish with sliced yellow ginger, garlic, onions, tomatoes, siling haba, pepper and salt. I am not sure if she also put some white vinegar. The result was oh so delicious. Perfect with hot steamed rice. I missed that. Sayang she’s no longer around.


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7 thoughts on “Top Twenty Benefits of Turmeric

  1. I am drinking yellow ginger juice/tea since April. I have an elevated ovarian cancer marker. It keeps elevating and since the dr don’t want to operate since the cysts is too small, I am becoming anxious everytime they will do the test on me. After drinking for a month, the cancer marker dropped. I hope it keeps dropping. I drink the natural tea. My nanay will peel the yellow ginger and pakululuan, so i drink it 2-3 times a day.

    My friend recommended it since her friend who has so may cysts sa breast found it effective. Nawala mga cysts nya sa breast.

    It helps me with my passing of motion too 🙂

    1. Hi, I hope you continue to get better. Hail to the luyang dilaw. Tomorrow I will start planting turmeric.

  2. Hi Ms Annie.. How are u? I hope sir Edmund is on his way to a full recovery.. 🙂

    My surgeon also recommended the turmeric ginger for my illness and my elevated blood sugar.. My Mom and my two sisters are all diabetics.. But i have never been a diabetic until recently.. My blood sugar level elevated only becoz of the trauma inside my tummy.. My adhesions are on full gear again and my intestines are giving me this rollercoaster ride which elevates my blood sugar.. Now my blood sugar is going bonkers and i need to do something abt it or else i might start using the insulin injections..

    So he shared what he started doing almost a year ago to help keep his blood sugar down (he’s also diabetic). He said he would mix a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil with a tablespoon of turmeric powder and half tablespoon of ground black pepper or cayenne pepper and mix them all into a paste and eat it every night before bedtime, then wait for 5 mins before drinking warm water.. His blood sugar and cholesterol levels are all normal, and he hasn’t had any problems with his blood tests eversince.. He said even his migraine disappeared just like magic, and he lost a lot of weight too 😉

    I hope my surgeon’s tip would be of help to ur other readers who are also diabetics or soon-to-be diabetics.. 😉

    Take care and be well always, Ms Annie.. God bless u all..

    1. Hi Ems,
      Mr. Yee is doing a lot better. The twist on his mouth is less noticeable. Thank you for asking. I am okay, thank you.
      Let’s both embark on a turmeric drinking session till our bodies are rid of toxins and our colors turn yellowish.
      Be well Ems. Warm regards.

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