Her adult children are all married and living with her in the big house she inherited from her parents. Except for one who lives in Canada and married to a nurse, all the rest still depend on her. They expect that she continuously provides for their every need and wants.

She is forced to sell most of the real estate properties given to her by her father. She’s now nearing 70 and just wants to be happy for the remaining days and years of her life. She misses the good life she was accustomed to when her parents were still alive. She likes to travel, stay in fancy hotels, go dancing, dine in exquisite restaurants. She also yearns to have a special someone who can be by her side and to be her constant companion.

Her children are beginning to feel that money has become scarce so they are blaming their mother. Hurtful and mean words are thrown at her because they are angry for not having unlimited access to a life of luxury. They think their money came from their father and not from their mom. They didn’t know that their parents’ wealth came from their maternal grandparents, inherited by their mom. Nothing came from their father.

Ungrateful children.


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