Building Successful Relationships

One of our subjects was Building Successful Relationships by Prof. Daniel Shapiro.

The very intense four and a half-hours lecture left me feeling totally exhausted. Instead of hitting the bed and instantly falling asleep, my adrenaline remained very high and my brain couldn’t stop thinking about the day’s events. I couldn’t shut off my mind and body it kept me awake the whole night.

I would like to share with you some key points that I remembered from his lecture:

1. Reason helps us identify each other’s interests and create options for mutual gains.
2. Psychologists will encourage people to deal directly with your emotions
3. When you feel rejected and you feel a sense of exclusion, it’s a net loss for everybody.
4. Negotiation is not always a competition. It can be colleagues working side by side, or working together to build.
5. Ask for advice—- humility.

It was a nice sunny day but at 6 pm the temperature dropped down so I decided to walk as a form of relaxation. I sat down for a while at my favorite corner and flipped thru the pages of the book given to us by Prof. Robert Mnookin. My mind didn’t want to function anymore.
Oh My Buhay, Harvard campus

I only sat down for ten minutes. I continued walking along Cambridge Street. Stopping once for a souvenir photo. I really looked tired.

Oh My Buhay in Harvard

My sister had gone back to California. Her flight was at 6 am and was too anxious so she left at midnight.
bos-nv 187 Ayleen

For my dinner, I bought spaghetti with meatballs and ate at the hotel. I read the case study for tomorrow’s lecture but my mind was only able to absorb maybe 20%. Tired na talaga.
bos-nv 219 Spaghetti with meatballs


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