Dear Ms. Annie,

I’m your fan who recently discovered your blog about 2 weeks ago and even commented on your post about Donya Rosemarie.

Since its Semana Santa,  after church activities with my parents, overtime ang basa ko sa blog mo starting March 2013 paatras.

You are right, the only refuge we have is our faith in God. We all have crosses to bear and I have learned to accept God’s will with a cheerful heart.

Keep on writing Ms. Annie! My sister and I genuinely enjoy reading your adventures in your blog. You are such a humble person and I hope to emulate that from you. You also have a good sense of humor and that cheers me up.

Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!

Warm regards,



Hi Bea,

Thank you so much for reading and liking my blog oh my buhay.
My appreciation for sending me your photo. You look so charming and very pretty.

God bless.


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