My driver was not around when I went down to the garage today. Yun pala my son sent Twinkle to the vet for diagnosis. She has a big lump on her breast. She stayed at the vet’s clinic for several hours for blood tests, etc.

At 5 pm, Oyen came to my office with a bad news:
O—–“Do you want bad news?”
After saying okay, I realized it’s not okay to want bad news. I hate bad news.

Our dog Twinkle has a big tumor and it’s malignant. She has cancer of the mammary glands. The vet also said her heart is enlarged. That confirms Edmund’s observation that Twinkle turns pale and starts panting whenever they go walking. She couldn’t keep up. She stops walking so Edmund has to carry her.

Twinkle is an American citizen. She was born 5 years ago in CA. I went to the Philippine Consulate to get a permit before I could bring her home with me. We also got a permit from another government agency in Quezon City.

We cannot let the tumor spread to her other organs. We’ll have it removed but the vet said there are risks because of her heart condition. I hope Twinkle pulls it through. We just lost Jazzy last year and we don’t want to lose another one. We love you Twinkle.


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3 thoughts on “Twinkle has cancer

  1. So sad to read about Twinkle’s condition.. 🙁 i hope and pray that. Twinkle will pull through and that her surgery will be successful so she can come home with u as soon as she’s well enough to go home..

    Hugs and kisses to ur furry baby.. Dogs are family too.. They’re the ones who will always give us Unconditional Love and Devotion..

    God bless u and ur family and Twinkle too, Ms Annie.. 🙂

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