Where’s the chicken Chipotle?

We ordered dinner from Chipotle thru Doordash because we were feeling lazy to eat out.


Chipotle used to be our favorite and it’s still is but their food and service deteriorated in my opinion. I felt this change happening since a few years ago.
When we first discovered Chipotle, the chicken was overflowing. Then it became lesser and lesser and lesser. They reduced the normal quantity. One had to pay extra to get what used to be the standard amount of meat. I understood that the chain was obviously cutting corners. But tonight, it was a total disappointment. I couldn’t even see the chicken. I had to dig in. I found around 10 pieces of very tiny slices of chicken, Ten tiny ones buried underneath the lettuce and sour cream. I couldn’t even call this chicken bowl. Where’s the chicken?

We still like Chipotle. Even if my husband almost swallowed a piece of staple wire from his beef burrito bowl, and even if the quantity of my chicken is disappearing. But one day, we might just stop going if the peek-a-boo trend continues.


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