119 year old church

The barrio of Pila-pila is my mom’s birthplace. She loved this place most specially the church. I try my best to visit this place once or twice a year in honor of my mother.


This church is at least 119 years old. Finally, the Nuestra Senora delos Angeles church’s major renovation has begun. We all have been waiting for this moment. Their fund raising started at least 10 years ago. Many willingly contributed especially those working abroad. Thank you to all those who wholeheartedly gave some contribution.




Yours truly donated this. I think the dress needs replacement. Has it been 10 years?






This chapel sits on the highest point in Pila-pila. One can see the surrounding mountains and the Laguna de Bay.





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5 thoughts on “119 year old church

  1. the church of the Nuestra Senora de los Angeles has been a living witness to all my joys, my dreams, my fears, my loneliness and my successes. when i achieved something then, it was where i would go to. whenever i was down, it has been my secret crying room too.when i feel hurt or when in doubt, it was where and it is the Lady i would seek refuge to. i have spent a lot times hearing Sunday masses, attending the May flower offerings, attending the Legion of Mary meetings and the CLSS seminars there. this church is my youth. i will forever be blessed having grown here in my beloved Pila-pila and my 119-year old church.
    God, bless the people who keep nurturing this church. they likewise nurture the faith in everyone of us.

    1. I could feel your deep attachment to this church. I felt my mom’s joys and pains too. This church was also witness to her struggles and whole life in general. The Nuestra Senora was her confidante.
      That’s why even if my mom is no longer here on earth, I occasionally visit this church even if I leave an hour away.

  2. what happened to the church? renovating, its unjust for a century old chapel to be manicured in a modern style facade, losing its value.

    1. The church has been given a facelift. I would see the new look tonight when I attend the blessing.
      I agree with you personally, I also think that the original look must be followed during renovations to preserve the heritage and historical value.
      I will post the photos tomorrow.

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