Counting billions vs counting barya

I have received at least 5 Viber messages saying how wealthy the Tesla founder is. The tv news and internet are full of articles about him. He recently dislodged Amazon founder Jeff Bezos from the number one position as the world’s wealthiest person at over $200 billion dollars. He makes Bill Gates and Warren Buffett look poor.

Exceptional indeed.

Elon Musk

Before, to have a billion dollars was unheard off. Even corporate mergers and acquisitions were mostly in the hundreds of millions only and rarely into the billions.

$200 billion at your personal disposable can do a lot of wonders to this world and mankind if used properly for the betterment of society and the world we live in.
I would like to believe that Elon R. musk is kind and has a good heart who thinks of helping this world.

I admire brilliant and exceptional individuals like him. But I don’t envy them even if they are counting billions and I am counting the coins from my alkansya.



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