The workers have trouble interpreting my idea, how I want my gate to look like. They got the steel frame measurement wrong. I didn’t get mad, it is minor, the welder has to adjust the top frame. Hindi naman ako ang mag we welding. I showed them how it would look like when finished so they would have a better understanding.

Yakal gate

The yakal planks are heavy. Nahingal-hingal sila pagbuhat at pagkamada.

I chose yakal kasi it’s hardwood and would become more beautiful as it ages through time and can withstand harsh weather. Eto rin yung traviesa. It would crack of course but that’s what I want. I want it to look aged and beaten para merong character. Aabot daw yan kahit daang taon. Tiguk na ako, buhay pa ang gate ko.

yakal wood planks

Once finished, my gates would be like no other. It would be understated in a grand way. Is there such a thing?


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