Never be in a hurry

I am cramming. I realized I am leaving for Manila tomorrow and there are things to finish here. Little stuff but stressful still. Vacuuming, throwing out garbage, packing, last minute pasalubong, paying bills, making bilins to my sister, etc.

But what really stresses me out is that on June 30 at 11 am I have to be in Malacanang for a courtesy call with President Noynoy. Our group, Philippines, Inc. arranged for this meeting with Pnoy.
I arrive at around 4 am assuming it’s a direct flight, otherwise 6 am.
I barely have time to run home, shower, look for a suit that would
still fit me and hide my curves in the wrong places. With the traffic, I have to leave the house at 83- am.   I am so stressed out just thinking about it.

I hope this helps calm me down:


Do everything quietly and in  calm spirit.

Do not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever,

even if your wole world seems upset.

by St. Francis de Sales


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