Robin Williams and Wanda Sykes

It took us 9 hours from Narita when we came to San Francisco.  But today,  I was so disgusted when the stewardess told me that it’s going to be a total of 11 hours and 25 minutes.  What???? The flight was smooth the first 3 hours but became intermittently bumpy after that  all the way to Narita.  At times it was  really shaky which made me dizzy. When it’s bumpy,  5 minutes felt like forever.  Then she told me 11 1/2 hours?  Oh my!

I took some bonamine which made me relaxed a bit.  I entertained myself by watching stand-up comedies,  first – Robin Williams (  1 – 1/2 running time).  Robin was funny but his every sentence had either    f_ k   you,    fu_k-up   or      f_ck-off.     Most of his materials revolved around S_e_x.

When I couldn’t sleep still,  I watched the very funny Wanda Sykes,  another  1 and a half hours.  She’s fantastic,  but there were also many references to the F word.  She made fun of Obama.


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